What is 6bridges? |
6bridges is a global community of Indian alumni and students from select Business, Technology and Accounting Institutes. It is a platform that enables exchange of ideas and opportunities amongst premier Indian alumni worldwide.
6bridges helps them with networking opportunities and resources in 6 areas:
- Careers (CareersDesk)
- Further education (CollegeGates)
- Entrepreneurship (Bizbridges)
- Wealth management (WealthDesk)
- Leisure (Besideswork)
- Member networking (MyBridges)
What is the story behind 6bridges?
How the Need was felt? |
Somewhere in early 2004, it all began through a regular discussion where we found ourselves discussing the need for professionals to have a platform to connect and exchange informed views. Around the same time, one of us was reading Duncan Watts’ book – ‘Six Degrees – The Science of a Connected Age’. Watts' book helped us understand how people were actually connected through their common links despite existing in different social and professional orbits.
Then, sometime in 2004, when one of us was to move to the US for his masters at Columbia University, there arose questions in our minds as to how one can connect Indian professionals living abroad to the ones in India and exchange information and professional advice. Also, we began to marvel at the explosive synergy that could be achieved by connecting Indian professionals across the world. As Thomas Friedman mentioned, in his book ‘The World is Flat', globalisation was making the world smaller, and therefore gave rise to a growing need amongst professionals to connect with similar others with shared interests. Watts' book helped us relate to this need we had felt for creating a platform linking Indian professionals. We began building upon this idea of connecting professionals.
The concept of a global platform for Indian professionals hadn't been attempted in the form and manner we had envisaged. We knew we could develop something unique and useful.What gave us the impetus was that we now had alumni from the IIMs as well as the perspective of
an alumnus from a premier school outside India . This multiple global perspective added credibility and helped us firm up the idea of going for a global platform for premier Indian professionals.
We realised that the idea we had needed to be put into a concrete plan.
The beginning… |
During the phase of the start up there was a feeling amongst us that things could be better achieved if there was a forum for exchanging information and advice, something that could be referred to. We realised that such a forum could only be successful if it was well defined and connected fellow premier professionals with shared interests. This, we thought, would create a level of comfort for candid discussions amongst members. This led to the decision to have members who are Indian alumni of select premier schools in India and across the world. Also, it was felt that a structured forum with clearly defined areas and topics, would help generate content in the form of discussions, articles and links. Next we began to probe into ‘what the Indian professional wants' .
In the process we identified six areas of need for an Indian professional, which included: furthering his career, driving his own business, creating wealth, networking with fellow professionals, studying further for career growth and lending the right balance to his personal life.
Interestingly, one of us had ‘The Tipping Point' on his reading list at that point in time. We thought that a website that was initially driven enthusiastically by its founders and brought to the tipping point could then be pushed further through exponential growth by active members in such a platform. The potential, we realised was vast, and so was the need to have a set of active members with high comfort levels of sharing information. We began building upon a structure that would help the member contribute.
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The hunt for a name… |
The idea of networking fascinated us. As a concept, it intrigued us. We had established with reasonable clarity what we wanted to do. However, when it came to picking the name and the logo, we strove hard to find images that reflected our thoughts. Books on social networking were rummaged, articles were scanned and the web was gleaned.
We knew we wanted to connect Indian professionals across the world. We hadn't yet figured out the name yet. One summer evening as we tucked into our pizzas we sat wondering about that elusive name. We lazily watched people come and go by at the restaurant. We searched everywhere – inside our brains, in the busy street outside the window, inside our pizzas and wallets, under the plates and chairs of bewildered people around, inside our bags and pockets, but to no avail. We then decided to throw the logical train of our thought out of the track as we wondered if it had derailed our hunt. Just then, almost unexpectedly, in wafted a creative breeze in the form of a seemingly innocuous remark. |
What could have connected Mother Teresa with the homeless, from Eastern Europe all the way to Kolkata?' asked one of us. Possibly 6 links? Yes. Or what could have enabled 160 people in Omaha to reach a person who worked in Boston and lived in Massachusetts through five or six steps, in Milligram's experiment? Definitely six links! What connects Bush and Osama? 6 links. Surprised? Indeed there were 6 links that separated any two people on earth. Dunkan Watts' book had indeed inspired us. Was it to be 6 links or 6 degrees? Those sounded fine as far as defining separation was concerned. But we needed to connect the separated. We wanted the site to take on the role of connecting people.
While connections seemed too long, links sounded restrictive. “Building bridges” fit very well with the concept, as it indicated crossing of obstacles, but someone thought that it sounded similar to a construction site. Fortunately we did not have to suffer the dilemma for too long, and decided to go ahead.
Bridges did connect the 6 degrees of separation between people, their ideas, interests, and paths, and helped them to their desired destination.
We decided to call our website 6bridges.
6 degrees gave us 6 bridges, which also complimented the idea of having 6 sections, that concern a professional, in the site.
The tale of the logo |
We had decided upon the name but not the logo yet. One evening, we were sitting with the unsmiling, stern looking designer, narrating the concept. As soon as we announced the name to him, he instantly nodded, guffawed and bolted. We were worried the name ‘6bridges' had affected his thoughts. We were right. We thought he would never return. We were wrong. He came back with the logo design. It was simple and visually appealing yet graphic and well defined, and most importantly demonstrated with remarkable clarity how people could reach out to each other globally. It captured the relevance of 6 degrees. It was just right.
It was our turn now. We nodded, guffawed and bolted. With the logo in tow!
We have always been greeted by the logo ever since, every time we've stepped into the domain of the website.
About Us?
This is the one place where we want to brag about ourselves. Here we go …we are a diverse and dynamic (please add dashing to it, if that doesn't sound too yuppie and brash!) team at 6bridges. We have an ex-investment banker, a closet writer, human resource professionals, students of alternative therapy and astrology, humour mongers, gardeners, foodies, travel lovers, news buffs, health buffs, recruiters, counsellors, public policy and politics junkies amongst us. Along the way, some of us went and studied at some of these select schools, so we know what members want!
At 6bridges, we have people who come from premier global institutes like the IIMs and Columbia University. We bring our passion to the website – that of helping to unleash the potential synergy of Indian professionals through a quality network, one that helps them with their choices in their professions and lives.
How these member schools and institutes were selected?
The schools and institutes selected are premier ones in their respective fields. The criteria used for selection is based on a collective assessment of surveys carried out by leading publications, websites, internal assessments and feedback from corporate organisations. The list is also reviewed periodically.
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How 6bridges can help you?
The site focuses on 6 key areas that are relevant to members : Career growth (careersdesk), entrepreneurship / self-employment (bizbridges), further studies & Re-skilling (collegegates), money management (wealthdesk), leisure/ interests / social Issues/ family life which contribute to a work life balance (besideswork) and professional networking (mybridges).
We carry articles in these 6 areas. These articles are contributed by members as well as authored by the editorial team . As an editorial policy - we focus on original content that members would normally not easily get elsewhere. We also try and have content that has lasting value; therefore the focus is on long-term trends and lessons from current issues.
Members can avail of career resources, job openings and advice that help with shaping the right career strategy and growth.
Members can seek advice & suggestions and also provide advice & views in the discussions section; the discussions are classified according to specific topics of relevance in the 6 areas specified earlier.
Members travelling /relocating to other places across the world can seek advice on those places, and since we have a large geographical spread of members, there is a specific and unique advantage of availing reliable information and tips.
We profile alumni from these institutes who have unique and special achievements. We have authors, a mountaineer, a social worker etc. These interviews and features, we feel, act as sources of inspiration to others from the professional community. We also have a MyStory section where we feature stories of achievers . India is on the cusp of change. People are venturing into new areas and there is a new confidence amongst the professional class to make an impact. They also seem to be more open to do something different. We try and highlight examples of this phenomenon projecting the achievements of member professionals.
The privacy and personal space of members is fiercely guarded and certain personal details of members are not shared with others. Registered members can also use anonymous names while posting views, if they choose to do so .
Monthly newsletters are sent to all members, where we try and provide them with a brief on the interesting articles of the month. We also tell them about the new discussions, jobs and biz as well as personal classifieds that others have posted.
We provide a platform for entrepreneurs and the self-employed to seek as well as offer services in the Biz Classifieds section where they can post free ads. These classifieds are also included in our monthly newsletter sent to members. That way, maximum leverage can be attained out of these classifieds.
We provide a Personal Classifieds section where members can seek or offer a house to rent/buy, seek hobby classes, etc.
We also inform and advertise premier jobs from top companies on the site. Members can respond to the same or send across their CVs. The website team also has experienced HR professionals who help members in the processes of job change and career transition . This happens only if the member opts for this service either by applying for a job on site or by sending across his/ her CV to careersdesk.
Members can build their connections and network across an exclusive community of Indian professionals from select premier schools of the world. They can also reconnect with others from their batch, institute , etc. and renew their contacts or establish new ones.
Given the fact that this is a site for global Indians we try to also feature articles, which explore various facets of our amazingly diverse country in a section called Fascinating India.
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The 6 Sections:
CareersDesk offers you the options of job change, career change and growth. Information and resources on critical issues of suitability to a career, the trends prevailing in careers, jobs and the industry help you make an informed decision on your career. CareersDesk has a section on hot jobs that tells you about the big pies on offer! The tips section on interviews, resumes, tests and the one on salary negotiation aim to help you prepare better for any change. Issues of relocation, career effectiveness and workplace issues aim to help you understand the workplace better and maximize your career growth.
CollegeGates: |
The oft-observed career path of many a successful professional leads from a good school to career, then back to a top school before returning strongly to a flourishing career. CollegeGates helps you find the links to information resources of various top B-schools, accounting institutes and engineering schools . As you decide on 'what to study' and learn more about the right programs, preparation for tests, interviews, application strategy, finance and visa plans, CollegeGates aims to bring you the right resources for your objective. We offer a platform for exchange of valuable information on higher studies through useful links, first-hand accounts of member experiences in the schools ( college diaries ), member discussions, articles, events, school info etc.
BizBridges: |
BizBridges shares your entrepreneurial dream, presents you the platform to test your ideas with other members and avail of resources like Biz Classifieds , articles and discussions concerning Business Ideas and Consulting Opportunities. BizBridges tries to help entrepreneurs with information and discussions regarding strategy, finance, HR, marketing, operations and technology that drive a growing business. We intend to carry inspiring stories of successful corporate men and women from our member institutes and schools, relocation stories of NRIs, post your requirements to help you find the right resource. And help you get the job you always wanted - that of your own company!
Wealthdesk: |
WealthDesk helps you with advice and tips in personal finance planning and investment options . Interactions with other members on industry trends, asset classes and stocks help you understand and make informed choices in managing personal finances. We at WealthDesk are aware of your career goals. We aim to provide a platform to help you manage your finances.
Besideswork: |
The time spent enriching your non-work hours makes you more efficient during your working hours. At Besideswork, we provide you the stage to share your interests, favourite movies, places, food, books you read, games you played, holiday ideas, etc. We thought of the crucial need of a professional to balance work -life issues on family, interests, health, fitness, travel and many more. We arrived at a conclusion that we needed to meet besides work, too.
MyBridges : |
MyBridges is your personal page and your networking platform with fellow alumni ( Alumni Bridges ) and fellow member professionals living in your city/country ( City/Country Bridges ). Here, you can also store and update your profile, keep track of the discussions you have posted, your jobs, your contacts, your subscriptions. It is your turn to build your personal bridge on your page.